To realize our Management Philosophy that we contribute to the world by fighting disease and improving health with advanced technology, and create a fulfilling life for our employees, Nihon Kohden strives to earn the trust of our customers, shareholders, business partners, and society in all aspects of products, services, technology, financial position, and employee quality.
In recent years, activities aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been promoted in order to respond to various cross-border social issues. The medical care we are involved in is becoming more and more complex due to various problems such as the aging society in developed countries, rising medical costs, lack of basic medical care in emerging countries, and widening medical disparities, and companies, as members of society, are expected to contribute to solving these issues.
Under these circumstances, Nihon Kohden formulated its Long-term Vision, BEACON 2030, in 2020, and aim to contribute to solving global social issues and achieving the SDGs through its business and corporate activities. Under its Three-year Business plan, BEACON 2030 Phase I, which started from FY2021, Nihon Kohden incorporated sustainability into its basic policy for the first time. The Company identified a total of 12 non-financial material issues related to the SDGs and worked on addressing these issues.
In FY2024, we started the new Three-year Business Plan, BEACON 2030 Phase II, moving into the phase of the practice of sustainability management. We partially reviewed our material issues and KPIs based on the results and issues in Phase I. We will also work on solving medical, environmental, and social issues through embracing sustainability as the essence of our business activities.
We continuously aim to realize a sustainable society and increase our corporate value by further strengthening the coordination between business strategy and sustainability strategy, and creating both economic and social value.
As a medical equipment manufacturer, Nihon Kohden dedicates itself to contributing to all forms of life on earth through its business activities and citizenship activities.
Nihon Kohden Sustainability logo uses green to express the earth and blue the sky, while the seedling and wavy line at center representing a heartbeat on an electrocardiogram articulate Nihon Kohden’s commitment to coexist with the environment. The uninterrupted white line also symbolizes the concept of sustainability.
In July 2015, we signed the United Nations Global Compact to cement our commitment to a sustainable society through the promotion of initiatives in accordance with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the four areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.