Sustainability Promotion Structure

To promote sustainability, Nihon Kohden has established the Sustainability Promotion Committee, composed of the president, management operating officers, operating officers, and general managers, and the Sustainability Promotion Meeting, composed of the representatives of 19 divisions. Nihon Kohden has also established the Advisory Board consisting of three external experts to incorporate outside perspectives on sustainability activities.
The Sustainability Promotion Committee holds a meeting twice a year and formulates the policies and directions. The Sustainability Promotion Meeting is held four times a year to establish and promote annual plans based on the policies and directions formulated by the Sustainability Promotion Committee and reports on the progress of those plans to the Sustainability Promotion Committee. Members of the Sustainability Promotion Meeting, who represent the departments in charge of each materiality, report on the progress of sustainability activities and exchange opinions with other members at regular meetings. The Company strives to implement sustainability activities in its daily business operations, in close coordination with the Risk Management Committee, Compliance Committee, Quality Control Committee, and Environmental Committee. The Advisory Board Meeting is held twice a year to discuss and advise on overall sustainability promotion.
Furthermore, in order to raise awareness of the SDGs within the Company, we take actions such as educating employees in Japan and overseas through webinars.

Sustainability Promotion Structure Chart

Sustainability Promotion Meeting Structure Chart

Holding Advisory Board Meetings

Nihon Kohden has established the Advisory Board in July 2021 to reflect external perspectives into its sustainability promotion initiatives. The Advisory Board Meetings are held twice a year. During these meetings, Nihon Kohden provides progress reports on its sustainability initiatives and receives advice from the board on overall sustainability promotion, fostering active discussions.
At the 6th Advisory Board Meeting held in June 2024, advisors highly praised Nihon Kohden Tomioka efforts in water resource conservation.

Scene at the Advisory Board Meeting
Scene at the Advisory Board Meeting