In order to review the progress of sustainability activities, Nihon Kohden’s management has set KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and assigned departments for each materiality. Members of the Sustainability Promotion Meeting, who represent the departments in charge of each materiality, report on the progress of sustainability activities and exchange opinions with other members at regular meetings. We disclose the results of KPIs each year in the Nihon Kohden Report and our website.
Based on the results and issues in the BEACON 2030 Phase I, and considering changes in the external environment and stakeholder views, Nihon Kohden has partially reviewed its material issues and KPIs for sustainability in BEACON 2030 Phase II.
We generated a comprehensive list of social issues by considering the sustainable growth of Nihon Kohden and referencing international guidelines. Following this, the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which consists of members selected from 11 departments in charge of compliance, development, production, and sales, selected the list of prospective material issues.
Based on questionnaires with all employees and the opinions of institutional investors, the identified 20 social issues were prioritized. Nihon Kohden’s management discussed these issues several times and defined the material issues to be addressed. Finally, the Board of Directors approved twelve material issues.
Achievement Rates: ✔✔✔100% achievement ✔✔At least 80% achievement ✔Less than 80% achievement
Materiality |
Targets |
Results in FY2021 |
Results in FY2022 |
Results in FY2023 |
Rates of achievement |
Improve resuscitation rates by expanding access to AEDs |
Number of AEDs sold in the world |
[Target] Cumulative number of products sold for 3 years worldwide: Over 350k units |
Number of AEDs sold: 100k units Japan 51k units Overseas 49k units (Rate of progress 29%) |
Number of AEDs sold: 119k units Japan 50k units Overseas 69k units
[Cumulative number] 219k units Japan 101k units Overseas 118k units (Rate of progress 62%) |
Number of AEDs sold: 105k units Japan 46k units Overseas 59k units
[Cumulative number] 324k units Japan 147k units Overseas 177k units (Rate of progress 92%) |
✔✔ |
Utilization rate of AEDs in Japan and the U.S. |
[Actual] Actual utilization rate of AEDs in Japan and the U.S. for 3 years (No numerical target (follow-up item)) * Utilization rate is the rate of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests responded to by laypersons using AEDs (all AEDs, including our products). |
Utilization rate in CY2021: Japan 4.2% U.S. 9.0% |
Utilization rate in CY2022: Japan 4.1% U.S. 10.2% |
Utilization rate in CY2023: Japan 4.2% U.S. 11.3% |
Provide educational opportunities for medical professionals in emerging countries |
Promote training in epilepsy diagnosis in Indonesia |
[Target] Start operations at 4 local education centers by the end of FY2023 |
Started operations: 0 centers |
Started operations: 0 centers Conducted the first 6 lectures out of a total of 23 lectures as a measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue discussions to educate 4 physicians. |
Started operations: 0 centers Conducted a total 23 lectures as a measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Completed education for local physicians by Japanese. |
✔ |
Number of educational seminars held, hosting countries, participants (including online programs) |
[Target] ・Cumulative number of hosting countries for 3 years: Over 5 countries (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Middle East) ・Cumulative number of participants for 3 years: Over 100k |
・ Number of hosting countries: 3 countries (U.S., Qatar, Singapore) (Rate of progress 60%) ・ Number of participants: 29k (Rate of progress 29%) |
・ Number of hosting countries: 4 countries (U.K., China, Jordan, U.S.) ・ Number of participants: 57k
[Cumulative number] ・ Number of hosting countries: 6 countries (Rate of progress 120%) ・ Number of participants: 86k (Rate of progress 86%) |
・ Number of hosting countries: 5 countries (Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Korea, U.S.) ・ Number of participants: 95k
[Cumulative number] ・ Number of hosting countries: 10 countries (Rate of progress 200%) ・ Number of participants: 181k (Rate of progress 181%) |
Number of hosting countries: ✔✔✔ Number of participants: ✔✔✔ |
Automatic control of medical equipment |
R&D investment in a robotic anesthesia system |
(*) |
R&D investment in closed-loop control of ventilators |
(*) |
Develop and provide sensors which are gentle on the patient |
R&D investment in new sensors |
(*) |
Number of products sold that have esCCO*1, synECi18*2, and iNIBP*3 installed |
[Target] Cumulative number of products sold for 3 years worldwide: Over 85k units |
Number of products sold: 34k units Japan 15k units Overseas 19k units (Rates of progress 40%) |
Number of products sold: 30k units Japan 13k units Overseas 17k units
[Cumulative number] 64k units Japan 28k units Overseas 36k units (Rates of progress 75%) |
Number of products sold: 31k units Japan 13k units Overseas 18k units
[Cumulative number] 95k units Japan 41k units Overseas 54k units (Rates of progress 112%) |
✔✔✔ |
Create a peaceful patient environment with advanced alarm technology |
R&D investment in improved alarm algorithms for patient monitors |
(*) |
Number of hospitals that utilize alarm reports*4 for improving workflow in Japan and the U.S. |
[Target] Cumulative number of new contract hospitals for 3 years: Japan Over 240 hospitals U.S. Over 25 hospitals |
Number of new contract hospitals: Japan 84 hospitals (Rate of progress 35%) U.S. 2 hospitals (Rate of progress 8%) |
Number of new contract hospitals: Japan 179 hospitals U.S. 0 hospitals
[Cumulative number] Japan 263 hospitals (Rate of progress 110%) U.S. 2 hospitals (Rate of progress 8%) |
Number of new contract hospitals: Japan 168 hospitals U.S. 0 hospitals
[Cumulative number] Japan 431 hospitals (Rate of progress 180%) U.S. 2 hospitals (Rate of progress 8%) |
Japan: ✔✔✔ U.S.: ✔ |
Contribute to care for patients with heart failure, brain disorders and infection |
R&D investment in early warning scores |
(*) |
R&D investment in new parameters and algorithms for heart failure care |
(*) |
Improve product utilization rate by remote monitoring |
Number of MD Linkage*5 sold and number of connected models |
[Target] ・Cumulative number of connected models for 3 years worldwide: Over 7 models ・Cumulative number of connected units for 3 years worldwide: Over 5k units |
・Number of connected models: 2 models*7 (MEK-1301, MEK-9100) (Rate of progress 29%) ・Number of newly connected units: 566 units (Rate of progress 11%) |
・Number of connected models: 1 model*7 (NKV-330) ・Number of newly connected units: 675 units
[Cumulative number] ・Number of connected models: 3 models (Rate of progress 43%) ・Number of newly connected units: 1,241 units (Rate of progress 25%) |
・Number of connected models: 0 model ・Number of newly connected units: 670 units
[Cumulative number] ・Number of connected models: 3 models (Rate of progress 43%) ・Number of newly connected units: 1,911 units (Rate of progress 38%) |
Number of connected models: ✔ Number of newly connected units: ✔ |
Number of advance notifications before trouble with products occurs |
[Actual] Cumulative number of notifications for 3 years (No numerical target (follow-up item)) *Only in Japan |
Number of notifications: 1,973 cases |
Number of notifications: 686 cases
[Cumulative number] 2,659 cases |
Number of notifications: 548 cases
[Cumulative number] 3,207 cases |
Eliminate health disparities through telemedicine |
Number of network-oriented products sold like LAVITA*6 |
[Target] Cumulative number of contract hospitals for 3 years: Over 600 hospitals |
Number of contract hospitals: 149 hospitals (Rate of progress 25%) |
Number of contract hospitals: 166 hospitals [Cumulative number] 315 hospitals (Rate of progress 53%) |
Number of contract hospitals: 194 hospitals [Cumulative number] 509 hospitals (Rate of progress 85%) |
✔✔ |
R&D investment in realization of remote support for ICUs |
(*) |
Foster a corporate culture of pride in contributing to healthcare |
Employee satisfaction |
[Target] FY2021: Establish operational policy and start survey (Only in Japan) FY2022~: Publication of survey results and subsequent implementation of ongoing surveys |
Conducted survey of approximately 4,400 all employees in Japan |
Improved 1.4 point compared to FY2021 |
Improved 2.4 point compared to FY2022 |
✔✔✔ |
Develop human resources who can succeed globally |
[Target] Cumulative hours of education for 3 years: Over 45 hours per person * Hours of education by job level provided by the Phoenix Academy (Human Resources Development Center). This training content will enable new employees and managers to acquire the knowledge and skills required for each level. |
Education hours per person: 18.6 hours (Rate of progress 41%) |
Education hours per person: 18.2 hours [Cumulative number] 36.8 hours (Rate of progress 82%) |
Education hours per person: 24.4 hours
[Cumulative number] 61.2 hours (Rate of progress 136%) |
✔✔✔ |
Pursue the highest level of quality in the world across the value chain |
Net Promoter Scores |
[Target] ・Japan FY2021: Set up a system and start survey FY2022: 1. Conducted the second survey with more detailed and expanded items to be surveyed 2. Maintain and improve scores FY2023: Maintain and improve scores ・U.S. Strive to achieve a 1 point improvement every year |
・Japan: Started the survey ・U.S. Improved 12 points compared to FY2020 |
・Japan 1. Conducted the second survey with more detailed and expanded items to be surveyed 2. Improved 1.3 points compared to FY2021 ・U.S. Improved 12 points compared to FY2021 |
・Japan Decreased by 4.4 point compared to FY2022 ・U.S. Improved 64 points compared to FY2022 |
Japan: ✔✔ U.S.: ✔✔✔ |
Number of recalls |
[Actual] |
Number of recalls: 6 cases |
Number of recalls: 2 cases [Cumulative number] 8 cases |
Number of recalls: 2 cases [Cumulative number] 10 cases |
Ensure strict compliance and strengthen group governance |
Establish and strengthen compliance programs of the Group |
[Target] |
Number of incidents of non-compliance: 1 case (Japan) |
Number of incidents of non-compliance: 0 cases |
Number of incidents of non-compliance: 0 cases |
✔ |
Establish and promote the Global Business Management Policy in overseas subsidiaries |
[Actual] |
Established and started operating the Global Business Management Policy |
Continued implementation of various measures |
Confirmation of operation status and guidance for improvement tfor overseas subsidiaries that have already introduced the Policy |
Strengthen internal control over domestic sales |
[Actual] Introduce system controls for pre-order processes and monitor their application (No numerical target (follow-up item)) |
Introduced and started operating the system controls |
Continued implementation of the global compliance program measures |
Introduced domestic policy for Nippon Bio-Test Laboratories Inc. and Beneficks Corporation | ||
Realize a carbon-free society |
CO2 emissions |
[Target] ・FY2023: 15.2% reduction compared to FY2020 per unit of sales (ISO 14001 certified sites, Scope 1, 2) ・Collect and disclose CO2 emissions for the whole group by end of FY2023 (Scope1, 2, 3) |
・ CO2 emissions: 34.1% reduction compared to FY2020 ・ Collect and disclose CO2 emissions: Preparing for third-party verification |
・ CO2 emissions: 38.7% reduction compared to FY2020 ・ Collect and disclose CO2 emissions: Preparing for third-party verification, including system implementation |
・ CO2 emissions: 45.8% reduction compared to FY2020 ・ Collect and disclose CO2 emissions: Completed third-party verification of Scope 1, 2 in Japan |
・ CO2 emissions: ✔✔✔ ・ Collect and disclose CO2 emissions: ✔✔ |
Number of models and sales ratio of environment-friendly products |
[Actual] ・Number of models in next 3 years (No numerical target (follow-up item)) [Target] ・Cumulative sales ratio of products for 3 years worldwide: Over 20% |
・ Number of models: 63 series ・ Sales ratio of environment-friendly products: 19.9% |
・ Number of models: 75 series ・ Sales ratio of environment-friendly products: 19.1% |
・ Number of models: 79 series ・ Sales ratio of environment-friendly products: 20.1%
[Cumulative number] ・Cumulative sales ratio of environment-friendly products for 3 years worldwide: 19.4% |
Cumulative sales ratio of environment-friendly products for : ✔✔ |
Amount of waste from disposal of products and parts |
[Target] FY2023: 8% reduction of products and parts retirement compared to FY2020 |
Retirement amount of products and parts: 21.3% reduction compared to FY2020 |
Retirement amount of products and parts: 0.7% reduction compared to FY2020 |
Retirement amount of products and parts: 10.0% increase compared to FY2020 |
✔ |
- esCCO (estimated Continuous Cardiac Output): Nihon Kohden’s unique technology which can estimate cardiac output continuously and painlessly based on ECG and pulse waves obtained from pulse oximetry. Previously, cardiac output could not be measured without inserting a catheter into the pulmonary artery. But now, with routinely monitored parameters, non-invasive and continuous estimates can be made without pain or strain on the patient.
- Synthesized 18-lead ECG: Synthesized 18-lead ECG uses the 12-lead ECG waveforms to mathematically derive the waveforms of the right chest leads (V3R, V4R, V5R) and back (V7, V8, V9).
The measurement procedure is the same as the standard 12-lead ECG but more information can be obtained. 18-lead synthesized ECG is expected to be useful in detecting right ventricular infarction and posterior infarction. - iNIBP (non-invasive blood pressure measurement algorithm): Nihon Kohden’s unique non-invasive blood pressure measurement algorithm using a linear inflation technology that completes the measurement while the cuff is inflating. This algorithm was developed with the concept of reducing the burden and stress of patients and medical personnel involved in blood pressure measurement as much as possible. Compared to previous measurement methods, it can measure faster and does not apply more pressure than necessary, reducing the burden and stress on the patient.
- Alarm report: This is a report that objectively evaluates the type and frequency of alarms based on alarm information from telemetry systems and central monitors. This report is expected to contribute to improving the medical environment by reducing the occurrence of false alarms.
- MD Linkage (Medical device remote monitoring system): This is a network system that automatically sends error messages and self-test information generated by medical devices to our server via a remote terminal. By automatically detecting equipment abnormalities and failures and notifying us, we can respond quickly and contribute to reducing product downtime.
- LAVITA (Medical and nursing care network system): This is a network system that can easily collect patient vital data, automatically send it to a cloud server, and share information in real time with various people such as medical workers and soclial workers. By collaborating with various medical institutions through LAVITA, it is possible to provide the support needed for comprehensive community care.
- Results were revised due to a review of the calculation method.
(*) We have not set individual investment target figure for each KPI. The cumulative three-year (FY2021-2023) investment for the whole Nihon Kohden Group was ¥18.9 billion compared to a target of approximately ¥20.0 billion.