(million yen)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 185,007199,727205,129206,603221,986-
3Q 129,525137,046148,078144,557156,169-
2Q 89,73587,240102,34394,349103,536-
1Q 38,55138,46147,18244,36348,72846,227

2025 1Q ended June 30, 2024

Overall sales decreased 5.1% over the same period of the previous fiscal year. In Japan, the Company concentrated on enhancing sales activities which match each market; the acute care hospital market, the small and mid-sized hospital market, and the clinic market. The Company also focused on its consumables and services business as well as strengthening its marketing and service capabilities, creating customer value which contributed to improving medical safety, patient outcomes, and operating efficiency. Sales decreased due to a reactionary decline in sales of IT systems compared to the strong growth due to large orders in the same period of the previous fiscal year, while sales of consumables and services increased. Sales of Patient Monitors and Physiological Measuring Equipment decreased due to lower sales of IT systems. Sales of Other Medical Equipment remained flat. Sales of Treatment Equipment increased favorably, mainly due to sales of AEDs and ventilators. Overseas sales decreased, due to the impact of a change in the fiscal term of Defibtech, LLC according to the reorganization of subsidiaries in the U.S. in the same period of the previous fiscal year. Another reason was that sales in Asia & Other decreased, mainly in China. Sales of Treatment Equipment and Physiological Measuring Equipment decreased, while sales of Patient Monitors and Other Medical Equipment increased.


*In the previous fiscal year, Defibtech, LLC changed its fiscal term from end on December 31 to end on March 31, according to the reorganization of U.S. subsidiaries. In the first quarter ended June 30, 2023, Nihon Kohden consolidated the 6 months of Defibtech’s operating results from January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023.

(million yen)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 15,50327,09430,99221,12019,591-
3Q 8,39615,58623,31611,37710,515-
2Q 7,0098,75817,4147,2177,491-
1Q 5421,8316,4231,8172,205-1,248

2025 1Q ended June 30, 2024

Due to decreased sales and lower gross profit margin, operating loss of ¥1,248 million was recorded, compared to operating income of ¥2,205 million in the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was also because domestic gross profit margin of in-house products such as IT systems decreased and inventory write-down of a discontinued model was recorded.

(million yen)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 14,84628,37434,56324,12225,589-
3Q 8,10814,69724,67713,93713,258-
2Q 6,3348,21517,99013,01912,546-
1Q -261,5816,7435,4815,7941,674

2025 1Q ended June 30, 2024

Ordinary income decreased 71.1%. Ordinary income was recorded, reflecting foreign exchange gains.

(million yen)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 9,85418,24323,43517,11017,026-
3Q 4,8328,88216,9118,8607,926-
2Q 3,9435,82612,2948,5417,997-
1Q -4991,0604,5373,6793,787766

2025 1Q ended June 30, 2024

Income attributable to owners of parent decreased 79.8%.

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 115.72214.21276.51203.28202.45-
3Q 56.75104.30199.36105.2594.20-
2Q 46.3168.42144.85101.4395.05-
1Q -5.8612.4653.3843.6622.514.57
(million yen)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 167,786193,030210,201216,728233,233-
3Q 154,304170,521191,981206,011215,788-
2Q 157,556168,512189,754209,292220,990-
1Q 154,902161,362180,514203,115216,444223,787
(million yen)
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 121,774138,986156,381167,604181,082-
3Q 118,163127,733150,175161,242171,479-
2Q 117,818126,853147,144162,424174,305-
1Q 113,988121,577139,525156,453169,587179,211
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
FY 72.672.074.477.377.6-
3Q 76.674.978.278.379.5-
2Q 74.875.377.577.678.9-
1Q 73.675.377.377.078.480.1


  • These data are prepared based on the financial results reports.

  • The frequency of updates may change in accordance with changes to the format of the financial results reports.

  • Please see the financial results reports and other materials for detailed information regarding the settlement of accounts.

  • The contents of these data will not immediately reflect corrections to the financial results reports when announced.

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  • Service provided by Nomura Investor Relations Co., Ltd.

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