FY ended March 2024
- Japan: Sales increased 4.9%. The Company concentrated on enhancing sales activities which match each market; the acute care hospital market, the small and mid-sized hospital market, and the clinic market. The Company also focused on its consumables and services business as well as strengthening its marketing and service capabilities, creating customer value which contributed to improving medical safety, patient outcomes, and operating efficiency. As a result of these initiatives, sales in all markets and all product categories increased. Sales in the public hospital and private hospital markets increased favorably driven by IT system solutions. Sales in the clinic market increased favorably and sales in the university market also increased. Sales of Physiological Measuring Equipment and Treatment Equipment increased favorably. Sales of Patient Monitors and Other Medical Equipment also increased.
- International: Sales increased 12.3%. Sales showed double-digit growth due to yen depreciation and the impact of a change in the fiscal term of Defibtech, LLC according to the reorganization of subsidiaries in the U.S.
*Defibtech, LLC changed its fiscal term from end on December 31 to end on March 31, according to the reorganization of U.S. subsidiaries. In FY2023 ended March 31, 2024, Nihon Kohden consolidated the 15 months of Defibtech’s operating results from January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.
(Years ended March 31, million yen)
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Domestic Sales |
134,355 |
137,274 |
136,321 |
135,734 |
142,370 |
Overseas Sales (Overseas Sales Ratio) |
50,651 (27.4%) |
62,452 (31.3%) |
68,807 (33.5%) |
70,869 (34.3%) |
79,615 (35.9%) |
Total |
185,007 |
199,727 |
205,129 |
206,603 |
221,986 |
FY ended March 2024
- Americas: Sales increased 17.1%. Sales in North America and Latin America showed double-digit growth. In North America, sales of Treatment Equipment increased significantly, while sales of Patient Monitors decreased. In Latin America, a large order in Costa Rica contributed to the sales increase. Sales in Mexico and Columbia also showed strong growth.
- Europe: Sales increased 6.1%. Sales decreased on a local currency basis and increased on a yen basis. Sales in Germany and Russia decreased, while sales in Netherlands and Italy increased favorably.
- Asia & Other: Sales increased 7.9%. Sales in the Middle East and Africa increased significantly, thanks to a large order in Morocco. Sales in Taiwan and Vietnam also increased favorably. Sales in China decreased due to the impact of the anti-corruption campaign from the third quarter of FY2023.
Overseas Sales Composition by Geographic Segments
in FY ended March 2024
Overseas Sales by Geographic Segments
Years ended March 31
(Years ended March 31, million yen)
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Americas |
24,731 |
30,288 |
33,436 |
36,818 |
43,097 |
North America |
- |
- |
- |
32,303 |
37,058 |
Latin America |
- |
- |
- |
4,514 |
6,039 |
Europe |
9,044 |
13,139 |
11,449 |
12,349 |
13,104 |
Asia & Other |
- |
19,024 |
23,921 |
21,701 |
23,413 |
Asia |
14,899 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Other |
1,976 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total |
50,651 |
62,452 |
68,807 |
70,869 |
79,615 |
* Effective FY ended March 2021, Asia and Other are reclassified into Asia & Other.
* Effective FY ended March 2024, sales in the Americas are disclosed separately for sales in North America and Latin America.