To realize one of material issues for sustainability outlined in the Three-year Business Plan, “Foster a corporate culture of pride in contributing to healthcare,” Nihon Kohden is working to improve employee engagement. Results from the employee satisfaction surveys, which the Company started from FY2021, have identified Workplace Environment and Career Support as areas needing improvement.
Nihon Kohden is undertaking Working Style Reforms aimed at improving the work environment by enhancing operational efficiency and promoting flexible work styles. This initiative seeks to achieve maximum results without relying on long working hours, while also realizing a better work-life balance. We have established various systems such as the Flextime System and Teleworking System to promote flexible work styles. In FY2023, the annual paid leave usage rate was 51.6% (10.6 days taken per employee). In addition to legally mandated paid leave, Nihon Kohden offers its unique paid leave program such as Accumulated Paid Leave Program and Special Paid Leave Program. In FY2023, the number of non-mandated paid leave days taken per employee was 2.7 days.
The Good Job Award, which gathers examples of initiatives that lead to improved productivity and work-life balance in each department, has been held annually since FY2019, and we have continuously improved productivity throughout the Company. There were many applications in FY2023 as well, and the initiatives such as the automatic generation of documents for development and the installation of an electronic authentication system were highly evaluated. Additionally, we established a new individual award category to ensure that each employee works with enthusiasm and vitality. By sharing not only the details of productivity improvement initiatives but also the attitudes towards these initiatives and the sense of fulfillment and enjoyment experienced during the process, we are helping to raise awareness across the entire Company.

Joint ceremony for the Good Job Award and the Core Values Award*
* An initiative that solicits and awards episodes embodying the Core Values in business operations.
In order to achieve the KPIs of improving “Employee satisfaction” and “Develop human resources who can succeed globally,” we established the NK Career Support system in FY2023. In November 2023, we launched an e-learning course to provide opportunities to learn about career development, with over 2,000 employees completing the course.
Additionally, we have organized our employee career support measures and created plans. We have published the “NK Job Encyclopedia,” which organizes internal job roles to help employees understand their career paths and build their career plans.
As we move forward, we will continue to develop training programs and systems that support employees in shaping their own careers. We aim to support employees in taking charge of their own careers, and strive to create a workplace environment where each individual can engage in rewarding work and thrive with enthusiasm.
- 拡大
- Image of NK Job Encyclopedia
In FY2023, we have introduced a new role-based (job-based) personnel system for general employees, shifting to a grading system based on the significance of expected roles in their work. To support the implementation of this new system, we launched the Management Position (Manager) Challenge Training for employees who are not yet in management positions in FY2023. The training program is designed to help employees develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and mindset required for senior positions, enabling them to proactively enhance their abilities for promotion. The number of applications significantly exceeded the available slots, demonstrating a high growth ambition among employees. Additionally, the post-training survey results showed high satisfaction levels, with many positive comments such as “I now understand what the roles required for management positions specifically entail” and “I want to approach problem-solving from a multifaceted perspective.” Moving forward, we will continue to offer talent development programs that support employees’ self-fulfillment and contribute to the Company's sustainable growth.

Nihon Kohden has set employee satisfaction as a KPI in order to foster a corporate culture of pride in contributing to healthcare, which is one of material issues for sustainability in the Three-year Business Plan. In FY2023, as in FY2021 and FY2022, an employee satisfaction survey was conducted for all 4,400 employees of the Nihon Kohden Group in Japan. The ratio of positive responses was calculated for all 46 items in eight categories. Company-wide and departmental measures have been implemented based on the results of the FY2022 survey. However, these efforts have yet to yield visible results, and in FY2023, the ratio of positive responses remained at roughly the same levels as in FY2022 in all eight categories. In particular, “Empathy with Vision and Values” and “Human Relations/Solidarity” continued to show higher levels of satisfaction. On the other hand, the ratio of positive respondents for “Career Support” and “Workplace Environment” was still relatively lower. We will share the survey results and employee opinions with all executives, and continue to implement related measures on both a company-wide and departmental basis.
A system where employees can take leave until the child of an employee reaches the age of two.
A system where employees who have members in need of nursing care can take leave of up to two years.
A system where employees can reduce their daily working hours by up to a maximum of two hours (starting in FY2021; previously, the maximum was one hour). From FY2021, employees also can take advantage of the Flextime System at the same time. The program is available for employees who meet certain criteria such as having a child in the sixth grade ofelementary school or younger.
A system where employees can shift their working hours by up to one hour without changing the daily working hours. This system is available when certain conditions are met while the child of an employee is an elementary school student or younger.
A system where employees can work at home or a place similar to home regardless of the reason. This system is available for all employees. The previous Work at Home System, which was applicable only for specific reasons, was abolished.
A system where employees can take leave of up to five days per year (ten days when there are two or more children), when a child up to the sixth grade of elementary school requires nursing care.
A system where employees can manage their own daily working hours. Employees can be exempted from working core hours depending on business necessity.
A system where employees can have side jobs outside of working hours. This system is available when certain criteria are met.
Annual paid leave that has expired due to prescription can be accumulated separately. In addition to the injury or illness of the employee or his/her family, employees are able to take leave when they need to care for a child during temporary closure of the child’s school or suspension of classes at the school. This system is available when certain criteria are met.
Click here for the achievements.
Nihon Kohden aims to contribute to the world by fighting disease and improving health with advanced technology and to continue to be an ethical company that is widely trusted by society. In its Ethical Company Declaration, the Company declares that Nihon Kohden respects the human rights of all people, and do not discriminate or commit any acts which infringe on the personality or dignity of an individual. The Company also strives to prevent harassment by clearly prohibiting it in the Nihon Kohden Code of Ethics and Conduct, Nihon Kohden Group Human Rights Policy, and Employment Regulations.
In order to prevent harassment and quickly resolve it when it occurs, we have established an internal consultation counter as well as an external consultation counter which anyone can feel free to consult, and we respond appropriately to consultations. At the time of consultation, we make every effort to ensure that the privacy of the consultees and actors is strictly observed, and that they are informed that they will not be treated unfavorably in any way for reasons such as the content of the consultation or their cooperation in confirming the facts. In FY2022, there were 11 harassment consultations and 16 grievance consultations.
In response to the enforcement of the Power Harassment Prevention Law in June 2020, we have also conducted regular e-learning programs for both general employees and managers to ensure a proper understanding of the revised law and harassment.
We will continue to implement e-learning in FY2023 and aim to complete 100% implementation by strengthening progress checks. Harassment training is also provided to newly appointed managers to ensure proper understanding of harassment and to prevent its occurrence.
Nihon Kohden has established the Safety and Health Committee to promote accident prevention and the development of a healthy environment in compliance with the Labor Standards Act and the Industrial Safety and Health Act. At monthly meetings, the Safety and Health Committee deliberates on health and safety proposals submitted by each department as well as activities for safety and health improvement. In addition to the Safety and Health Committee, the Company has also established the Infectious Disease Prevention Committee to facilitate activities to prevent infectious diseases. The Infectious Disease Prevention Committee has executed employee training, surveys, discussions, and awareness regarding infection prevention raising. Company vehicles used by employees are equipped with collision avoidance assist systems, lane departure warning systems, automatic high-beam switching systems, and drive recorders as standard equipment, and studless tires are provided as needed. In addition, for employees who work in areas subject to severe cold weather, we promote the reduction of traffic accidents by arranging for cold-weather-specification vehicles. In response to the introduction of mandatory pre- and post-driving alcohol checks and record-keeping, all of our domestic sales offices use alcohol checkers to check and record alcohol consumption.
FY2021 |
FY2022 |
FY2023 |
Accidents resulting in lost work days |
5 |
3 |
1 |
Frequency rate*1 |
0.57 |
0.14 |
0.15 |
Severity rate*2 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Work-related fatalities |
0 |
0 |
0 |
*1 Number of accidents resulting in injury or death per million working hours
*2 Lost work days per 1,000 working hours
The Nihon Kohden Group has conducted monitoring surveys on a regular basis since FY2021.
As a result of the survey, we have confirmed that there is no child labor or forced labor.
Nihon Kohden provides several allowances such as commuting and family allowances, as well as a retirement benefit system.
Nihon Kohden has introduced a system intended to encourage employees to build their long-term wealth. The Company provides assistance such as payroll deductions, financial incentives and cooperative purchase of shares when employees purchase the Company’s shares.
Nihon Kohden encourages its employees to engage in club activities such as hobbies and sports so that they can deepen mutual understanding and fellowship. Subsidies are provided for these activities. As of April 2024, 25 clubs are active.
Nihon Kohden holds events for the employees’ families to help them better understand the workplace and to provide opportunities for deeper communication with their families.
In July 2018, we hosted the Family Visit to the Advanced Technology Center to help employees’ families know more the Company. Participants took part in a tour of EMC test center, visited the workplace, attended the AED workshop and experienced the measurement of vital signs including electrocardiogram, SpO2 (blood oxygen saturation), and blood pressure.
AED training sessions called “Children’s Participation Day,” which have been held since FY2023, provide opportunities to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an AED. In FY2023 and FY2024, 11 and 31 primary and junior high school students participated, respectively. Parents who attended also shared many positive comments, such as “It was a great opportunity for my child to learn about AEDs, ” “I want to use this for my child’s summer vacation research assignment, ” and “We could communicate thanks to this opportunity.” In the FY2024 training sessions, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of AED use by the general public, we set up a special section called "The History of AEDs." This section featured displays of various AED models over the years and offered an opportunity to experience "Life-Saving Procedures" through the latest VR videos, allowing participants to appreciate the history of AEDs.
In August 2024, Nihon Kohden Tomioka held a parent-child office tour, with 125 participants. In addition to workplace and factory tours, participants could measure vital signs, tour an ambulance, use an AED, and take a commemorative photograph with Caede-chan, AED’s character. Participants shared their feedback, saying, “It was very interesting to touch the actual patient monitor and see my pulse as a waveform,” “I was happy to hear about ambulance equipment and products from the paramedics,” and “I was glad that my child could grasp my work.” There were great opportunities for employees’ families to understand their work.
Going forward, the Nihon Kohden Group is committed to undertaking various initiatives to realize an even more fulfilling workplace for employees.