To realize the Company’s Management Philosophy, Nihon Kohden is committed to creating value with all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, investors, business partners, local communities, and employees, in all aspects of our business, such as products, services, technology, financial strength, quality of employees, and other points. In planning and promoting sustainability initiatives, we also work to grow as a company that establishes trust and be well recognized by all our stakeholders. In addition to its citizenship activities and information disclosure through its business activities, Nihon Kohden also leverages the opinions and requests of stakeholders in its future business activities as part of its efforts to be a trusted member of society.
In April 2023, Nihon Kohden established a Multi-Stakeholder Policy to govern our efforts regarding returns to employees and consideration for our business partners.


Main Communication Method

Main Responsibility and Issues


Daily sales activities

Call center

Net promoter score survey

Customer satisfaction survey

Academic seminars

ME (medical electronics) workshops

Offer of products and services with safety and security

Quality improvement of products and services

Enhancement of customer satisfaction

Response to customer complaints

Disclosure and offer of adequate information of products and services

Business Partners

Daily procurement activities

Human rights due diligence

Questionnaire of sustainable procurement

Open and fair trade

Identification of human rights risks in business transactions

Promotion of sustainable procurement

Shareholders and Investors

General shareholders meetings

Earnings presentations

Company briefings

Events for individual investors

Website for investors

Enhancement of corporate value

Appropriate shareholder returns

Timely and appropriate disclosure

Response to Social Responsible Investment


Self-enumeration system

Level-specific training sessions

Labor-management council meetings

Consultation counter

Employee satisfaction survey

Company newsletters and intranet

Respect for human rights and promotion of proper labor practices

Development and utilization of human resources

Securement of occupational health and safety

Increase in job satisfaction

Respect for diversity of human resources and work style

Local Communities

Volunteer activities in local communities

Participation in local events

Participation and contribution to local communities