Remuneration of Directors

The Company has established the policy on determining the amounts and methods of calculation of directors' remuneration which would further link with performance and shareholder value as well as aiming at the transparency of management and ensuring growth and profitability in mid- to long-term.

Remuneration of Directors (excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee members)

Remuneration of directors (excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee members and outside directors) shall consist of a base salary as fixed monthly compensation, bonuses as performance-linked compensation reflecting short-term business performance, and restricted stock remuneration as an incentive to continuously improve the Company’s corporate value over the mid- to long-term. Remuneration of Audit & Supervisory Committee members and outside directors, who are responsible for supervisory functions, shall consist of the fixed monthly compensation only.
The fixed monthly compensation shall be determined based on the director’s position, responsibilities, and years served as director, comprehensively taking into consideration the level of other companies, the Company's business performance, and the level of employee salaries.
Performance-linked compensation shall consist of bonuses and restricted stock (performance-linked post-delivery type) that reflect key performance indicators (KPI) to raise awareness of the need to improve the Company’s business performance in each fiscal year. As regards bonuses, the target performance indicators and their values shall be in line with the Medium-term Business Plan and set at the time of the formulation of the plan. The target values shall be reviewed as appropriate in accordance with the report of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee in response to environmental changes. The degree of achievement of the target values shall be used as a common evaluation index for all directors. Individual evaluations shall be conducted according to each director's area of responsibility. The amount of bonuses shall be calculated based on a variable payment rate of 0% to 200% and the bonuses shall be paid at a fixed time each year. As regards restricted stock remuneration (performance-linked post-delivery type), the performance indicators and their values shall be in line with the Medium-term Business Plan and set at the time of the formulation of the plan. The target values shall be reviewed as appropriate in accordance with the report of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee in response to the environmental changes. The degree of achievement of target values shall be used as a common evaluation index for all directors. The number of shares to be allotted shall be calculated based on a variable payment rate of 0% to 200%, and the shares shall be allotted annually at a fixed time each year. The method of determining performance evaluation indicators and payout ratio for FY2024 to FY2026 is as follows. Provided, however, that if the consolidated operating income margin for the period is less than 10%, the payout ratio in the period will be 0%.

  Valuation weight Performance evaluation indicators
Financial target evaluation 30% Consolidated operating income margin
30% Consolidated ROE
Corporate value evaluation 40% Relative TSR*

* (Total shareholder return of the Company at the end of the relevant fiscal year) ÷ (Average of total shareholder return of other companies in the same industry for the period corresponding to the calculation period of total shareholder return of the Company)


Payment ratio = (Coefficient linked to the degree of achievement of the consolidated operating income margin target x 30%) + (Coefficient linked to the degree of achievement of the consolidated ROE target x 30%) + (Coefficient linked to the degree of achievement of the relative TSR target x 40%)


As regards restricted stock remuneration (non-performance-linked pre-delivery type and performance-linked post-delivery type), the Company shall, in principle, allot shares of the Company's common stock every year, after concluding an agreement on allotting restricted stock between the Company and each director (excluding Audit & Supervisory members and outside directors). As regards non-performance-linked pre-delivery type, the Company shall allot the number of shares of the Company’s common stock determined based on the position of the allottee. As regards performance-linked post-delivery type, the Company shall allot the number of shares of the Company’s common stock determined based on the degree of achievement of numerical targets for business performance. For both of non-performance-linked pre-delivery type and performance-linked post-delivery type, to encourage the sharing of value with shareholders over the mid- to long-term, the transfer restriction period shall be from the grant date of the restricted stock to the date when each director retires from the position of director or operating officer.
The ratio by types of compensation for directors (excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee members and outside directors) shall be reviewed by the Nomination & Remuneration Committee, based on the remuneration levels of benchmark companies whose business scale is similar to the Company. The weighting of performance-linked compensation shall be higher for the higher positions. While respecting the report by the Nomination & Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors shall determine the details of remuneration for each director within the range of the ratio by types of compensation indicated in the report. The amount of remuneration shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors, which shall have the authority to determine the amount of basic salaries for each director as well as the evaluation and allocation of performance-linked compensation based on the performance of the business for which each director is responsible. The Board of Directors shall consult the Nomination & Remuneration Committee on the draft remuneration plan and obtain a report from the Committee to ensure that the Board exercises its authority appropriately. The Board of Directors shall also resolve the number of shares to be allocated to each director as restricted stock remuneration based on the report of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee.
In determining the content of remuneration for each director (excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee members), the Nomination & Remuneration Committee shall conduct a multifaceted review of the draft remuneration plan, including consistency with the Decision Policy. As a general rule, the Board of Directors shall defer to the report of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee and determine that the proposed remuneration complies with the Decision Policy.

Remuneration to Directors (excluding Directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members and Outside Directors



Content/Calculation Method

Payment Method

Base salary by position





  • Determined based on the Director’s position, responsibilities, and years served as a Director, comprehensively taking into consideration the levels of other companies, the Company’s business performance, and the level of employee salaries.

Paid monthly

Annual bonuses




  • Payment rate is determined based on the result of the Company's business performance and individual evaluation of a previous fiscal year
    Calculated based on a variable payment rate of 0% to 200%
    Performance indicators for the Company's business performance :
       Consolidated operating income
    Performance Indicators for individual evaluation :
       Degree of Achievement of annual business performance targets, mid-to long-term strategies, and ESG targets

Paid annually

Mid-to long-term incentive





  • Non-performance-linked Pre-delivery Restricted Stock Remuneration
    Allotted the number of shares of the Company's common stock, which is determined based on the Director's position

Paid annually




  • Performance-linked Post-delivery Restricted Stock Remuneration
    Incentives to strengthen remuneration governance and further improve corporate value to achieve Three-year Business Plan, BEACON 2030 Phase II.
    Calculated in accordance with the payment rate determined based on consolidated operating income margin, consolidated ROE, and relative TSR.
    Payment rate varies from 0% to 200%
    Evaluation weight: consolidated operating income margin 30% + consolidated ROE 30% + relative TSR 40%

Paid annually

In terms of remuneration of directors, 20% of annual bonuses (performance-linked compensation) is evaluated based on the degree of achievement of ESG targets, of which around one-third is based on the degree of achievement of E (environmental) targets.

Remuneration of Audit & Supervisory Committee members

The remuneration of Audit & Supervisory Committee members shall consist of fixed monthly compensation only from the perspective of placing importance on the independence and objectivity of management. The amount of remuneration for each director is determined by consultation among the Audit & Supervisory Committee members.

The Total Amount of Remuneration of Directors in FY2023 ended March 31, 2024

(millions of yen)


Total amount of remuneration

Total amount of remuneration by type

Number of directors

Fixed monthly compensation

Performance-linked compensation

Restricted stock remuneration


(excluding Audit & Supervisory Committee members and outside directors)






Directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee members

(excluding outside directors)




Outside Directors





  1. The number of directors receiving restricted stock remuneration is five. (One non-resident of Japan is not eligible for payment).
  2. The 65th general shareholders meeting held on June 28, 2016 approved the following:
    1. with respect to the amount of remuneration to directors of the Company excluding directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee members, total amount shall be within the limit of 400 million yen (including the amount of remuneration to outside directors which shall be within the limit of 80 million yen, which was revised by the resolution of the 73rd general shareholders meeting on June 26, 2024),
    2. with respect to the amount of remuneration to Audit & Supervisory Committee members, total amount shall be within the limit of 80 million yen.
  3. The 69th general shareholders meeting held on June 25, 2020 approved the following:
    The maximum amount of monetary compensation receivables to be paid to directors (excluding directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee members and outside directors) in respect of restricted stock (non-performance-linked pre-delivery type) shall be within the limit of 100 million yen.
  4. The 73rd general shareholders meeting held on June 26, 2024 approved the following:
    The maximum amount of monetary compensation receivables to be paid to directors (excluding directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee members and outside directors) in respect of restricted stock (performance-linked post-delivery type) shall be within the limit of 300 million yen