Dialogue with Individual Investors

We hold Company briefings for individual investors so that they can see our management strategy and business operations and extend their long-term support.
In FY2023, we held one in-person meeting and two online meetings. 

Number of Dialogues with Individual Investors in FY2023

  • Number of responses to annual shareholder survey (Postcard/WEB):
  • Company briefings for individual investors (3 sessions):
    Live viewing: Approx. 640 viewers,
    In-person: Approx. 45 attendees,
    On-demand viewing: Approx. 2,300 viewers
  • Nihon Kohden’s introduction video series for individual investors:
    Approx. 1,650 views
In-person meeting held in Tokyo with the cooperation of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan
In-person meeting held in Tokyo with the cooperation of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan
On-demand video distributed by Daiwa Investor Relations
On-demand video distributed by Daiwa Investor Relations

The shareholder newsletter is published twice annually and contains information on performance, dividend, new products and other pertinent topics. In terms of dialogue with individual shareholders, the Company conducts a shareholder survey every year and uses feedback from shareholders as a reference for our future IR activities. The Company introduced the reorganization of its U.S. subsidiaries into a holding company structure and the new products in the 1~{st} half for FY2023 shareholder newsletter and outline of the new Three-year Business Plan in the FY2023 shareholder newsletter.
We hold our general shareholders’ meeting on a date that does not conflict with those of other companies to ensure that shareholders can attend. On the day of the meeting, we exhibit medical devices and explain the features to shareholders. At the shareholders’ meeting held in June 2024, we exhibited a fully automatic AED, an AED for home use, an automated chest compression device, a telemetry system, and syringe pump control software for assisting with total intravenous anesthesia. We have posted a video of the presentation by the Chairman on the day on our website. For foreign shareholders, convocation notices (including a business report), notice of resolutions, and voting results are translated into English and posted on the external website.

Dialogue with Institutional Investors

The President, general manager of Corporate Strategy Division, and persons in charge of IR have meetings with institutional investors in Japan and overseas by making periodic visits to investors, accepting visits as requested, and by phone. The Company holds briefings to explain financial results to institutional investors and analysts, which speaker is president, in the 2~{nd} quarter and 4~{th} quarter as well as holding online conference, which speaker is general manager of Corporate Strategy Division, in the 1~{st} quarter and 3~{rd} quarter. Videos of the presentations, materials, and Q&A summaries are posted on our website and made available to all shareholders and investors. From May 2020, all financial results briefings have been held by conference calls or online. The Company held a meeting for FY2023 financial results and its new Three-year Business Plan in a hybrid manner of in-person and online, in May 2024. In March 2024, the Company also held its first small meeting about sustainability initiatives in a hybrid manner.


  • Meetings with institutional investors and securities analysts in FY2023:
    Approx. 330 meetings including approx. 150 meetings with shareholders
  • Main speakers: Representative Director/President and CEO, Representative Director/Executive Operating Officer, Corporate Director/Executive Operating Officer, Outside Director, Operating Officers, General Manager of Corporate Strategy Division, and persons in charge of IR
  • Number of meetings with shareholders and institutional investors





All institutional investors

approx. 330

approx. 220

approx. 110


approx. 150

approx. 100

approx. 50

  • Topics of the dialogues: Quarterly financial results and forecasts, mid-to long-term growth strategies including the direction of the Company's next Three-year Business Plan starting from FY2024, capital policies, and initiatives to strengthen corporate governance and embrace sustainability
  • The Company's initiatives in response to investors' feedback from the dialogues: Implementation of its Three-year Business Plan, reflection into the next Three-year Business Plan, review of capital policy and cash allocation policy, implementation and monitoring of recurrence prevention measures in response to the compliance matter, review of material issues and KPIs, enhancement of sustainability information disclosure, enhancement of IR disclosure, initiatives to strengthen corporate governance such as achieving diversity of the Board and reviewing the remuneration structure for directors.

Investor Relations Page

Nihon Kohden’s website publishes key information needed by shareholders and investors, such as management policy, financial and performance highlights, dividend information and various disclosure documents. Information about the Company’s long-term vision, three-year business plan, businesses and products is also published to broaden understanding in Nihon Kohden.