Hirokazu Ogino,  

Representative Director,

President and Chief Executive Officer

Takashi Tamura, 

Representative Director

First, we would like to sincerely thank our shareholders for your continued support.

We hereby report the results for the first half of FY2023 ending March 31, 2024.

In the first half of FY2023, each prefecture revised its healthcare system, and task shifting and operational efficiency were further required in medical institutions, because work style reforms for medical staff are scheduled to take effect in 2024 in Japan. Internationally, overall demand for medical equipment which contributes to improving the quality and efficiency of medical care remained steady, while the negative impact of the shortage of nurses and higher interest rates remained in the U.S. and Europe. The FY2023 full-year forecasts were revised upward because the performance of the consumables and services business was favorable in Japan, and overseas sales were affected by greater-than-expected depreciation of the yen in currency translation.

In terms of returning profits to shareholders, the Company maintains its basic policy of stable and continuous dividend payments. The interim dividend for the first half of FY2023 was 30 yen per share. Nihon Kohden continues to focus on achieving its full-year targets.

In FY2023, which is the final year of our Three-year Business Plan, BEACON 2030 Phase I, we will complete to strengthen our business foundation to realize our Long-term Vision which was formulated with our desire to become the beacon that lights the path forward to the future of people and healthcare around the world. In the next Medium-term Business Plan starting from April 2024, we will step up our investment in new growth areas by utilizing the profits generated through the strengthening of our business foundation in Phase I. In its Long-term Vision, the Company aims to create a better future for people and healthcare by solving global medical issues. Toward realizing this Long-term Vision, we will focus on achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value through improvement of profitability and effective reinvestment.

The next Medium-term Business Plan will be announced between March and May 2024.
We deeply appreciate your continued support.