Nihon Kohden Tomioka is engaged in various social contribution activities including cleanup of the streets and picking up fallen leaves around its three factory sites as volunteer initiatives. The cleanup activities are planned six times a year and performed using one hour before the start of work hours in the morning. We also participate in cleanup volunteer initiatives at the Tomioka Silk Mill, a world heritage site. Nihon Kohden received words of appreciation such as: “It is really helpful for us, since all of our maintenance activities are performed manually, as we refrain from the use of herbicides in consideration of allergies.” We also actively participate in regional events to encourage communication with local residents.
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- Cleanup activities at the Tomioka Silk Mill & Tomioka Donto Festival
As part of its social contribution activities, the Minami Kanto Branch Office has registered as one of the “Hama Road Supporters” since April 1, 2014. This is a program that volunteer groups and the city of Yokohama collaborate for road beautification and cleanup activities. The Minami Kanto Branch Office continues to carry out cleanup and beautification activities for roads in the region. On the morning of the second Friday of each month, 20 to 30 employees voluntarily participate in cleanup of approx. 250 meters of roads and their vicinity. It leads to a contribution to the local community. As a result, the Minami Kanto Branch Office received a letter of appreciation from the city of Yokohama in August 2017, to thank them for their determined cleanup activities over many years. At the summer festival held at the Yokohama Business Park where our Yokohama Office is a tenant, we open a night stall every year to promote interaction with local residents.
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- A member of "Hama Road Supporters", Tsugumi Ishii, Yokohama Second Private Marketing Group
Neurotronics, Inc. (Florida, USA) conducts cleanup activities in the vicinity of its office every other month as a part of its social contribution programs.
These activities were suspended in FY2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they resumed in May 2021. We will continue to promote environmental preservation and social contribution through cleanup activities in the future.

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- Tree seeds of Brazilian were origin distributed
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- Business partners helping to grow the seeds that were distributed

We received a request from elementary schools to provide lectures on environmental volunteering as part of the environmental education targeting students from the fourth grade of elementary school.
The Environmental Management Office of the Company conducted lectures to students at school morning assembly. We took the theme “What is the environment?” and focused on concepts such as water, trees, and electricity, and included a discussion of the local natural environment. From observing the testing of lake-water quality to inspecting water purification plants and other activities, we adhered to an education policy that cherishes interaction with nature from the perspective of ecological conservation.
We are promoting engagement with the local community through collaborating in the education of strong healthy children with a rich sense of wonder and with a passion to learn that is motivated from within. This activity highlights our belief in the importance of being active in the local region with its rich natural environment.
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- Environmental Volunteering Education
The Tomioka Production Center received the Chairperson’s Award of the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center at the commendation ceremony for the 37th National Assembly of Factory Greening Promotion Initiatives held in October 2018. This event is hosted by the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center with support from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and factories throughout Japan with exceptional greening initiatives are eligible for the awards.
The Tomioka Production Center received this award in recognition for such factors as having much of its green areas located along the site boundary, the exceptional views of the greenery including 210 Somei-yoshino cherry trees planted in three-way U-shaped configuration, and the good communication with local residents.
Nihon Kohden Tomioka will continue to maintain its green areas and enhance its environmental activities, as well as work to contribute to the local society with the aim of being a business with deep roots in the community.

Tomioka Production Center & Award ceremony

The Inochi Student Forum 2019 Kanto is a voluntary project for students to consider the importance of life and the future, and take action. A kick-off event for the project was held in June 2019 at Nihon Kohden’s Human Resource Development Center.
The project theme in FY2019 was Sudden Cardiac Death that we can reduce. Seven high school and university students toured a model operating room, listened to a lecture on advancements in AEDs and Nihon Kohden’s initiatives. They experienced a realistic, virtual AED training using a large screen to simulate rescue situation at roadsides, train stations, and airports. The students commented that the event was a valuable experience and very educational, and that they wanted to consider ways to reduce sudden cardiac death.
As Japan’s only AED manufacturer, Nihon Kohden will continue to promote the widespread placement of AEDs and CPR education, aiming at improving the survival rate.

AED virtual training experience
As part of its social contribution activities, Nihon Kohden America organizes an opportunity for its employees to participate in local NPO activities. More than 100 employees attended a volunteer day held in October 2016 to participate in volunteer activities of three regional NPOs (Blind Children Organization, American Heart Association and Second Harvest FoodBank).
Furthermore, employees of Nihon Kohden America and NKUS Lab participated in charity activities hosted by Boys and Girls Club of Orange County, a regional NPO, in December 2016 to present bicycles assembled by employees to children living in low-income or crime-ridden areas.
Nihon Kohden, with the awareness of its responsibility as a corporate citizen in the international community, as well as respect for the culture and customs of each country and region, believes that it is one of its corporate social responsibilities to undertake social contribution activities. Going forward, we will continue to actively undertake initiatives for a better society.
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- Charity activities hosted by Boys and Girls Club of Orange County